International Journal of Innovative Studies in Sciences and Engineering Technology

ISSN : 2455-4863

Volume-7 Issue-2

Design and Development of Regenerative Braking System for Electric Vehicle

S.S.Chougule, S.Y.Dhumal, P.D.Aware, A.V.Chavan, S.S.Pawar, P.R.Zhakhlekar, P.V.Mali

Development and Preparation of Energy Strategy for 3 Door Refrigerator

S.J.Shelke, S.A.Sanap, A.J.Pandhare, V.B.Kalel, G.G.Jadhao ,A.D.Shinde, P.D.Kulkarni

Study and Development of a Safety Valve to Relief the Excess Pressure to Safe Guard for Tyre

S.S.Jadhav, H.R.Kale, P.S.Gunjawate, P.D.Hajare, S.P.Khade, P.V.Mali

Study and Development of Sensor Based Automatic Braking System

S.S.Jadhav, V.R.Patil, P.N.Nikam, O.S.Patil, A.S.Kore, S.R.Varne, G.N.Rakate

Design and Development Potato Harvesting Machine

V.M.Mhetre, A.A.Surve, P.R.Shirke, V.S.Patil, S.A.Mali, K.M.Swami, V.S.Gondkar